Saturday, September 15, 2012

Monster Island

Why are zombies so popular? I have friends who actually have set strategies and plans for if or when a zombie outbreak happens. No one I know is preparing for werewolf or vampire attacks. Zombies are a more believable monster made of infection and science. We know that science is capable of doing some catastrophic things. Why not a zombie like virus? Everyone in Florida knows about the Miami zombie. The homeless man that ate another mans face off. This was on the news, they actually said the word zombie. If that doesn’t say something big then I don’t know what will.

First off, having everyone you know turn into a mindless killer is fascinating for most people. This is not some creature from outer space or deep under the sea this is your Mom, your gym teacher, that lady who smiles at you on the way to work. These are the people you see every day, and now they are trying to kill you and eat your flesh. It’s a concept that hits home. Its not us against them its you against the world.

 In my opinion a zombie is the only monster that is acceptable to kill without remorse. No I take that back, it is necessary to kill as many as possible. A lot of movies and games take advantage of this violence and make it fun to kill zombies. They are not real people; they are not even on the level of any animal.

I think is was clever of David Wellington to have all third world countries thrive during the zombie outbreak. They are use to war and fighting for survival. While the average American has never had to. I think zombies are so popular is because the average Joe has no idea how they would react when the zombies started racing towards them. What kind of person would you be? Would you take charge and fight like a Somalia girl or would you run away cowardly like our main character? In every day life we hold back those animal urges and instincts. But once you have the chance to unleash them who knows what could happen. I think that is a very compelling fantasy. It is what drives horror, the idea of unlocking your primal self.